Ultimate Breaker Screener Documentation

The Ultimate Breaker screener detects bullish and bearish breakouts of the twelve main trading patterns. The screener recognizes the same patterns as the Ultimate Breaker indicator:

Screener Prorealtime: Recognized Patterns
Ultimate Breaker Screener for Prorealtime: Recognized Patterns

How to get the Ultimate Breaker screener?

The screener is associated with the Ultimate Breaker indicator. It is available on the Prorealcode marketplace at this address:


Install the screener

After your purchase, you will receive a license for the indicator and one for the screener. After activating your license, the screener will be automatically installed on your Prorealtime platform.

You will find it on the ProScreener window of the Prorealtime platform. To access it, click on “Display“, then “ProScreener“:

ProScreener Open Window
Fenêtre ProScreener

The Ultimate Breaker screener will appear in the list of available screeners:

Ultimate Breaker Screener ProScreener
Ultimate Breaker Screener ProScreener

Screener configuration

The Ultimate Breaker screener uses the same parameters as the indicator, except for the display options, which are not useful.

Access the configuration panel

To access the configuration panel, you must click on the wrench on the screener window:

Ultimate Breaker Screener Setting
Ultimate Breaker Screener Setting

Selection of the patterns

The screener detects the breaks of the twelve patterns recognized by the indicator. You must check the box(es) corresponding to the patterns you are looking for:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: Pattern Selection
Ultimate Breaker Screener: Pattern Selection

Figure Properties

You can configure the properties of the patterns, such as their sizes, their extension, and their minimum and maximum height:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: Pattern Dimension
Ultimate Breaker Screener: Pattern Dimension

Signal Selection

You can choose the signal(s) from the following four: breakout, validated breakout, retest and validated retest:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: Signal Selection
Ultimate Breaker Screener: Signal Selection

Applying Filters

You can filter the patterns and signals according to the trend, volumes, and market strength:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: Filters
Ultimate Breaker Screener: Filters

Asset Lists

You can select a list of assets you want to run the screener. To do this, you must go to the ProScreeners window and select the list(s) you want:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: List Selection
Ultimate Breaker Screener: List Selection

Time Unit

You can select the time unit you want to run the screener. To do this, you must go to the ProScreeners window and select the time unit you want:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: Time Unit
Ultimate Breaker Screener: Time Unit

Launch the screener

To launch the screener, you must click on the “Run ProScreener” button on the Proscreeners window:

Ultimate Breaker Screener: Running
Ultimate Breaker Screener: Running

Increase the number of opportunities

If the screener does not return a result, no stocks match your configuration. Here are the actions you can take to increase the number of opportunities found by the screener:

  • Reduce the size of the patterns
  • Select all signal types
  • Disable filters
  • Choose important asset lists like Nasdaq and Nyse
  • Choose a lower time frame
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Ultimate Breaker Screener Documentation

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